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Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

The scheme, possibly organized by Albert Avdolyan, made it possible to withdraw 9.4 billion rubles from the Hydrometallurgical Plant to the accounts of the related company Cashmere Capital.


The scheme, possibly organized by Albert Avdolyan, made it possible to withdraw 9.4 billion rubles from the Hydrometallurgical Plant to the accounts of the related company Cashmere Capital.

The details of the story became known about how Avdolyan actually "lifted from the ruins" the Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ) and its affiliated legal entities - CJSC Southern Energy Company (YUEK) and Intermix Met LLC, before buying up shares on the cheap, while their real price was a thousand times higher.

Former partners in court said that at least Intermix Met reached bankruptcy not for objective reasons, but because of the behavior of the oligarch, who violated all agreements and "deviated from the developed business plan to restart production."

The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.

In the last material, UtroNews reported on the situation about attempts by structures close to Avdolyan to receive 2.5 billion rubles from the division.

Recall that in the period from 2018 to 2022, the owners of GMZ, UEC and Intermix Met were Avdolyan. At the same time, he owned assets through proxies.

In order to distance themselves from the legal entities taxed with debts, new companies were created, including on the basis of the assets of the GMZ.

In the Stavropol transactions, Avdolyan lit up both the offshore Sparkel City Invest LTD, which he inherited in the history of the collapse of the energy holding MRSEN, various employees of the oligarch's division, for example, the head of YATEK Andrei Korobov, and the Bank of Dmitry Gordovich, with whom Avdolyan has done more than one scheme. In particular, 100 million rubles were withdrawn through it to the Latvian bank JSC Citadele Banka.

GMZ, YUEK and Intermix Met, after acquiring them by Avdolyan, began to work under the Almaz Group hat, becoming Almaz Fertilizers, Almaz Energo, Almaz Tech, and Kashmir Capital LLC entered the same place as the Almaz Fertilizers trading house. At the same time, "Cashmere" also belonged to persons associated with Avdolyan, including Korobov.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: rusprofile.ru

In 2022, Avdolyan, saying that he had sold the assets, said in media comments that "the enterprise was lifted from ruins and nothing threatens it." As UtroNews previously reported, in fact, actually liquid property could have been withdrawn to new legal entities, and GMZ and YUEK remained overgrown with large debts, only Avdolyanovsky also swam among the creditors.

Enterprises of the old division today go through bankruptcy proceedings, which revealed the real history of the oligarch's "fishing" in the Stavropol Territory.

Bets placed, no more bets

So, from the materials of the case on the claim of Almaz Capital LLC against YUEK for the recovery of more than 140 million rubles, it was directly established that in 2018 Avdolyan bought out both the majority stakes in legal entities belonging to the Makhov and Chuck group and the rights of claim to this group belonging to Sberbank. That is, he got the opportunity to control the group both as the main owner of shares and as a majority creditor.

The formal buyer of shares of YUEK CJSC was Andrei Korobov, a native of Rostec state corporation, the head of YATEK, which also belongs to Avdolyan.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

At the same time, in October 2022, according to the court, the purchase and sale agreement of 15 thousand shares of YUEK CJSC (50% of the share), concluded between Chuck S.M. and Korobov A.V. for a pittance (5 thousand rubles), as well as all subsequent transactions with shares were declared invalid.

After that, Almaz Capital goes to court with an application for approval of an amicable agreement on the above debt for 140 million rubles.

It is interesting that the company did not collect this debt for three years, holding it in fact and only, having lost the asset through disputed transactions for the sale of shares, the company went to court with demands.

As noted in the court materials, at the same time, the absence of objections on this occasion from ZAO YUEK clearly indicates the dishonesty of the behavior of these parties aimed at obtaining debt and withdrawing liquid assets.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Another court document specifies that the actions of Almaz Capital LLC and YUEK CJSC (it was then controlled by persons associated with Avdolyan) are reduced to increasing the debt of YUEK CJSC to affiliated structures.

Moreover, from the materials of the court it is known that the sale for a pittance (3800 rubles) of 283,411 shares (37.5%) of GMZ was also challenged under an agreement concluded with a certain Enigma LLC.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

The court directly noted that the market price of the shares that Avdolyan bought on the cheap was much higher than the one that appeared in the contracts: 15 thousand shares of ZAO YUEK cost not 5 thousand rubles, but 22.224 million rubles, 283 411 shares GMZ not 3.8 thousand rubles, but 690.559 million rubles.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

It also became known about a certain scheme that was used at GMZ, through the redistribution of the plant's profit in favor of Cashmere Capital LLC, and at that time the current and registered debt remained outstanding. And when the sale and purchase of YUEK shares was terminated in court, that is, it smelled fried for Avdolyan, his squires rushed to expose GMZ debts already on loans overbought from Sberbank, driving him into even greater debts and increasing controlled debt.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

As for the scheme, a comprehensive agreement on the processing of tolling raw materials was concluded between GMZ and Kashmir Capital LLC associated with Avdolyan's squires, as a result of which 9.447 billion rubles of revenue were withdrawn from the LLC.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

At the same time, in February 2024, when the sale of shares was already challenged, Almaz Tech LLC, which owned the new legal entities, tried in court not only to appeal the fact of withdrawing money to Cashmere Capital, but also to roll in some losses by 442 million rubles. Apparently, reasoning that you need to snatch at least something from the outgoing steam locomotive? The court rejected the claim.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Moreover, in March 2024, during the bankruptcy case of Intermix Met LLC, the court, having considered the issue of bringing former shareholders and tops Makhov, Chuck and Zhmykhov to subsidiary liability, excluded Avdolyanov firms, including Almaz Capital LLC, from the amount. As a result, instead of 3.3 billion rubles, the defendants will have to pay 1.4 billion rubles.

In the framework of this case, the former shareholder Makhov stated that the bankruptcy of the debtor was not due to objective economic factors, but to the behavior of A.A. Avdolyan, who, in violation of agreements with the former owners of the corporate group (S.V. Makhov and S.M. Chuck) deviated from the developed business plan to restart production, initiating bankruptcy proceedings in order to clear the group's assets of debts.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

It turns out that from the enterprise going to the bottom, which at the time of its purchase Avdolyan owed 3 billion rubles to creditors, they squeezed the maximum in their favor in a couple of years, and then simply sold it off. The oligarch master has a strange idea of ​ ​ lifting from the ruins, don't you think?

In April 2024, the court explicitly stated that at least in the UEC there is a corporate conflict that blocks the powers of the general director.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

It's interesting: in 2024, Avdolyan's squires began to merge assets. So, in February, an unknown Daria Kusheva (who has no other assets) was sold to Almaz Capital LLC, which participates in affairs as a creditor of the division. By the way, it was his affiliation that blocked his inclusion in the register of creditors, and now, after the sale, apparently, they will refer to the fact that there is no affiliation. Well, a clever move, but only in arbitrations the judges are not fools.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The same Almaz Capital LLC appeared as the owner of the property of GMZ, which he later sold to Almaz Tech LLC affiliated with him. But in this case, the fact of affiliation did not help and the assets remained with firms previously associated with Avdolyan.

Conclusions for 9.4 billion: how Avdolyan "fished" at the "Hydrometallurgical Plant"

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Thus, at least 9 billion rubles and assets were pumped out of GMZ and related companies, and then they also tried to impose a "tribute" - credit debts.

Given that the sale and purchase of shares in YUEK and GMZ was appealed by the court, as well as subsequent transactions with a block of shares, the sale of assets by Avdolyan in 2022 looks very, very doubtful. In this story, in our opinion, there is something to check the investigators, without looking back at the patronage of Avdolyan by the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov.