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Russians again "go": where and to whom?

Our strategic opponents continue to mobilize their own population and elites to confront Russia, due to which the military-industrial lobby is bathed in money, and Ukraine is dying like a state and a nation.

Фото: rbk.ru

Our strategic opponents continue to mobilize their own population and elites to confront Russia, due to which the military-industrial lobby is bathed in money, and Ukraine is dying like a state and a nation.

The day before, Bruno Kahl, head of the federal intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany, made a series of high-profile conspiracy statements. According to him, by 2030 Russia may attack NATO countries. Consequently, it is necessary to consistently strengthen the EU's defense, count on American assistance, continue to crush Russia with sanctions, and also fully support Ukraine.

What is the background of such alarmism - the correspondent of The Moscow Post understood.

"Within six years, by the end of this decade, the Russian army will be able to attack NATO. Already, Berlin is in direct conflict with Moscow, "Bruno Kahl said in spirit. Surprisingly, what the head of German intelligence is openly talking about, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz is embarrassed to say. He sings a completely different song in every way - yes, we support Ukraine, but we ourselves are not participants in the conflict.

It is, and how it is. At the same time, Kalya's words are nothing new. Earlier, former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeatedly spoke about Moscow's alleged desire to attack European countries, starting with the Baltic states.

The situation is increasingly reminiscent of a well-known case that occurred by the former US Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. After the end of World War II, he was completely crazy about the threat from the Soviet Union, was undergoing treatment. Forrestal was so afraid of the USSR and the Russians that he repeated every day - "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!" Until he threw himself out of the window with a fatal outcome.

Today, all of Europe can recall one collective James Forrestal. However, the current functionaries of NATO and the EU are certainly far from madness. They know very well that Russia has no plans to attack the EU and never has. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed that the Russian Federation has neither the desire nor the ability to resist the united NATO bloc. However, in the West, the military conflict with the Russian Federation has long been monetized. Defense concerns receive orders worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the military economy "pushes" the falling production of the European Union and other Western countries.

For the same German concern Reinmetall, orders are calculated at least until 2028. The military development of Ukraine continues in the same way. The British defense concern BAE Systems announced the opening of an office in Kyiv, and so on. In addition, on October 2, 2024, a large defense concern KNDS announced the opening of its office in Ukraine.

In the workshops of the plant, repair and maintenance of mainly German equipment will be carried out: ZSU Gepard, self-propelled guns PzH 2000 and Leopard tanks. Here it is planned to restore the combat effectiveness of the French self-propelled guns Caesar and wheeled tanks AMX-10RC.

In addition, the current conflict has breathed new life into the North Atlantic Alliance itself.

Ukraine in this story is a victim of Western policies to weaken Russia. Ram, cannon fodder that pays with human lives, territories, economic potential. Such a policy on the part of the West in relation to Ukraine is absolutely immoral, but it meets the interests of the globalist West.

But not Europe, as a separate subject of geopolitical relations. All the more idiotic are statements like what Bruno Kahl said. European diplomats echo his words. Yesterday, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borel, said that Europe simply has no choice but to support Ukraine further. This statement seems crazy only at first glance. Borrell is a leftist and a globalist, and does not pursue European interests at all, but the interests of those who made Europe an economic appendage and a "lever" of the Anglo-Saxon world.

"There is a strategic logic in strengthening Ukraine politically and militarily in order to force Putin to the negotiating table, but this looks like a very distant prospect," Borrell said. Josep Borrell during his speech also recognized the high effectiveness of the actions of the Russian Federation to overcome the sanctions blockade.

I.e. in Europe, they believe that the confrontation will last for years - and they perceive it quite normally, they are ready to continue trying to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. Only now the defeat does not happen. Process - everything, the result - nothing? Not to mention the fact that the decision to continue the conflict is generously paid for by the lives of Ukrainians.

This position is superimposed on the policy of the ruling elites of Kyiv, which may also seem absurd at first. The dualism is simple: Kyiv claims that Russia, having received Ukraine, attacks NATO countries - and then the entire North Atlantic bloc will have to fight back. To prevent this, Ukraine must be admitted to NATO. But what is the logic if Russia is supposedly going to attack NATO? And one of the main conditions for the normalization of relations calls just the neutral status of Ukraine.

For Zelensky's team, the military conflict with Russia has become a way of life, a means of colossal enrichment and a guarantee of maintaining power, at least in the short term. Zelensky is not saving Ukraine, otherwise he would have gone to a truce in the spring of 2022. He saves his own power and buys time while his friends profit from the conflict with Russia and urge the West to attack Moscow.