The state customer associated with the Moscow authorities threw the Granel Group contractor, a confidant of the son-in-law of Bashkiria Prime Minister Andrei Nazarov Ilshat Nigmatullin, a contract that went up from 2.4 to 12.4 billion rubles in two years. At the same time, the deadlines have already shifted. Construction is in jeopardy, and the advance payment of 2.2 billion has sailed into the unknown?
Today, the contractor has overgrown with claims of the fund of equity holders and administrative fines of the State Construction Supervision Service, and earlier he was a defendant in a tax scheme for 0.5 billion rubles, but was caught by the "hand" of the tax authorities. Will Granel, according to the old tradition, begin to merge a toxic asset?
The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.
According to the source of UtroNews, oddities are observed at the construction of innovative laboratory and industrial buildings No. 4 and No. 5 at the Alabushevo SEZ "Technopolis Moscow" site. The state customer, without imposing fines and other sanctions, shifted the deadlines for the delivery of facilities, and the contract itself, signed back in 2022, during this time went up from 2.4 to 12.4 billion rubles. To whom did Sobyanin's team sprinkle these billions with a generous hand?


So, on May 12, 2022, following a tender with a single participant (which is already suggestive), Special Economic Zone Zelenograd JSC signed a contract for 2.431 billion rubles. But, if we observe a change in the contract card, we will find a bunch of inactive versions in which the final price changed rapidly, until in October 2024 it increased to 12.4 billion rubles, that is, 10 billion compared to the original version. For a minute, we are talking about budget money!
Moreover, if initially the deadline was the end of July 2025, then the deadlines were shifted to the end of December to the final version. And at the same time, the contractor did not receive any sanctions and fines. Weird, isn't it?
Although, according to the source of UtroNews, the state customer is already allegedly thinking about terminating the contract.
At the same time, in general, under contracts, the company has already enriched itself by almost 40 billion rubles with annual revenue in 2023 - 12 billion rubles and net profit - 1.2 billion rubles. That is, only one contract provided her with an annual turnover.


And the casket actually opens simply.
The winner of the tender was Stroykompleks LLC, which belongs to Vladimir Polin, a longtime partner and confidant of the beneficiary of Granel Group of Companies, son-in-law of Bashkiria Prime Minister Andrei Nazarov Ilshat Nigmatullin.

Today Nigmatullin and his deputy Dmitry Adushev are in a criminal case on bribery. According to reports, it was an attempt to negotiate with the tax authorities.
And what an amazing coincidence, UtroNews discovered a tax scheme, due to which the contractor, namely the aforementioned Stroykompleks LLC, tried to save on taxes and overestimate the tax deduction by almost 0.5 billion rubles.
The basis for making a contested decision of the tax authority was the findings of the inspection that the company unreasonably declared 485 million rubles for deduction on the basis of invoices issued by the counterparty - LLC "MS in a row" during the implementation of construction work. At the same time, the Federal Tax Service established that the counterparty does not meet the criteria of a real business entity and is controlled by the Granel Group of Companies, which includes the taxpayer. That is, there was a banal document stand?
Perhaps it was in this case that Nigmatullin and Adushev burned down.

And it was this case that revealed Polina's close connection with the Graneli division.
In 2018-2019, the Stroykompleks company was the general contractor for at least five Graneli construction projects in the Moscow region: Innovation residential complex, Imperial Mytishchi residential complex, Sovereign House residential complex, Malina residential complex and Theater Park residential complex.
By the way, some of them were handed over with a delay. So, Pauline is no stranger to shifting deadlines to the left.

In addition, Stroykompleks LLC is even registered at the same address as four Graneli companies, which were slapped in February and July 2024. Another Polina company, Stroykonsaltgroup LLC, became a co-owner of some of them.

Another Polina firm, Stimul LLC, was registered together with Dmitry Adushev's Granelzhkh LLC, Harmony LLC, whose owners were the wife and sister of Prime Minister Nazarov - Larisa Nazarova and Svetlana Nigmatullina, and Oblstroy LLC. The latter also noted the sister and wife of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria.
All this tells us that Pauline may well be a confidant of the Graneli beneficiary, that is, to provide financial flows to the pocket of the Nigmatullin-Nazarov family.
Today, Stroykompleks LLC has overgrown with claims from the fund for the protection of the rights of equity holders and administrative protocols from the State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region.

We will not be surprised if, in the event of an increase in problems, the company, according to the old tradition, merges and goes bankrupt. But under the state contract, with which we started the story, the company has already been paid 2.2 billion rubles in advance. Who in case of bankruptcy will return this money?

An interesting fact regarding Stroykompleks LLC: shortly before the conclusion of the contract, the company changed its director to Yevgeny Starodubtseva, who was previously the head of the Technical Customer of the Territory Development Fund LLC, a subsidiary of the State Territory Development Fund. Interesting amplification. Maybe it was it that helped to get a contract with such a biography as this company Polina?

The multi-page investigation of UtroNews about the activities of Graneli has repeatedly revealed the non-standard ties of the division with officials of the Moscow region, as well as the facts of obtaining land without bidding. Ambiguous credit, financial and tax schemes were also revealed. Perhaps the Nigmatullin-Adushev case will include more than one episode?
In the meantime, in Bashkiria, Nazarov's chair has legs swaying - he still cannot be approved as prime minister, without the prefix acting Probably, there are questions for him, who is closely related to Granel.