A charitable foundation established by oligarch Albert Avdolyan, whose board of trustees includes the head of Rostec state corporation Sergei Chemezov, violated urban planning legislation.
The fund itself, into which billions of rubles are pumped under the sauce of donations, is headed by Avdolyan's confidant, associated with his own offshore companies, seen in murky financial schemes. Do all the donors' money go to the needs of children, as stated in the fund?
The New House Foundation, which launched a social project to create the Point of the Future educational complex, was supported by the authorities in Irkutsk and Yakutsk, but at the same time raises some questions from the public.
The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.
In 2013, the New House charity foundation was established in Moscow. Its founders are the oligarch Albert Avdolyan and his confidant - Nadezhda Kudravets, to whose person we will return later.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
The fund, which is positioned as a fund to help children with disabilities, orphans and seriously ill patients, has a fairly significant budget and is estimated at 6.9 billion rubles. At the same time, in 2023, unknown donors contributed more than 3.1 billion rubles to his accounts.

Photo: bo.nalog.ru
The personalities of the donors are not named, but it is noteworthy that the board of trustees of the fund includes the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov, whose division goes hand in hand all the way to the formation of Avdolyan's business. Former immigrants from Rostec also find a "shelter" in the latter's business: Andrei Korobov, who appeared in the scandalous story of the ruined Stavropol assets, headed YATEK, and Rodion Treasure has shares in a number of assets at once.
And in general, that Novikombank is the reference bank of Rostec, that the state corporation itself has been seen more than once in common firms and transactions with Avdolyan. This hints at the close relationship between the oligarch and General Chemezov.
By the way, after Chemezov began to be mentioned in the investigations as a member of the board of the Avdolyan Foundation, this page began to give a 404 error on the foundation's website. But the Network remembers everything and saved this information in the archive. At the same time, the trustees included both Avdolyan's wife, who prefers to write the name of both Avdolian and Chemezov's wife, Ekaterina Ignatova. So, there is practically friendship with families.

Photo: noviy-dom.org
So, the New House Foundation earlier, with the support of local authorities, announced two large construction projects of the Point of the Future educational complexes at once - in Irkutsk and Yakutsk. At the same time, a cottage village was declared as part of these complexes.
When laying such a project in Yakutsk in 2022, even the head of the republic, Aisen Nikolaev and Sergei Chemezov, was present. At the same time, the project was provided with some support at the level of the regional government. Probably, Avdolyan got a plot of 26 hectares with the help of Nikolaev? By the way, it is in Yakutia that part of Avdolyan's commercial business is based, so, as they say, points must be earned.
By the way, the fund was the founder of the ANO "Point of the Future," otherwise, in turn, it created a completely commercial structure - the private educational institution "Point of the Future," whose cost, according to Rusprofile, is estimated at 302 million rubles. At the start, this structure Avdolyana was headed by Natalya Vorobyova, now the director of the state educational institution - MBOU Irkutsk Lyceum No. 2.
The fund's project itself is, of course, a good cause. No one argues that socially vulnerable categories of Russians need support. But Avdolyana is confused by several details at once.
Firstly, it turned out that in 2019, at a construction site in Irkutsk, the fund managed to violate urban planning legislation, which is completely unacceptable when erecting facilities for children.

Photo: proverki.gov.ru
Secondly, Avdolyan himself is a person who has repeatedly shone in scandals, including those related to offshore companies, muddy tax schemes, bankruptcy of socially significant assets when transferring funds from their accounts to the accounts of companies affiliated with the oligarch. So, today the details of the bankruptcy of the Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ) and the Southern Energy Company (YUEK), whose shares were bought up cheaply by Avdolyan's proxies, and now the enterprises are in debt like silks, are still emerging. Moreover, after the transactions for the purchase of shares were challenged, other proxies of the same oligarch climb into the number of creditors.
Avdolyan also appeared in the collapse of the MRSEN energy holding, whose beneficiary was a relative of the oligarch Eldar Osmanov. The latter, as part of a criminal group, is accused of withdrawing over 10 billion rubles outside Russia using controlled banks and through various financial schemes. Osmanov was put on the wanted list, as he disappeared from the investigation.
The company "Aenp" (now called LLC "TsIPE named after N.A. Popov"), which was owned by its affiliated offshore company - SPARKEL CITY INVEST LTD, tried to become a creditor of fragments of the MRSEN empire. This smacked very much, in our opinion, an attempt to withdraw part of Osmanov's assets. A kind of related help?
And, thirdly, the president of the fund is a rather remarkable person - Irina Belyanova, who also heads a number of commercial assets associated with the oligarchs - A-property, AP Holding JSC, A-TEK LLC. Previously, the lady was the head and transferred to Avdolyan's possible relative "A-Property Invest," which was promptly renamed "Peter Invest."

Photo: rusprofile.ru
They brought A-Property Invest out of the brackets of the Avdolyan division for a reason. Through the past owner - the Cypriot POLOCOM HOLDINGS LIMITED and through management denominations offshore, it is associated with other foreign companies - the Cypriot Sanomil Co Limited and a certain Wooden Fish Agency Limited.
Sunomil Co Limited and Wooden appeared in one of the ships' materials as companies associated with Avdolyan. At the same time, Sunomil appeared in a dubious lending transaction with the participation of Port Dalniy LLC, which the tax authorities considered the cover of direct investments of A-Property LLC in the fixed capital of the port. Everything was disguised as a loan of $20 million from Reeco Capital LP, an offshore company with Cayman. The latter had a direct connection with Avdolyan - through the director Vikentios Vikentiu.
Mr. Vicentiu was also a director of another offshore oligarch - Sparkel City Invest LTD. The one that appeared in the scandal with MRSEN.
In turn, Ms. Belyanova was the head of the branch of the offshore Wooden Fish Agency Limited owned by Avdolyan.
In the same story, but already as the head of the representative office of Globalone Management Group Limited (BVI) in Russia (2014-2018), the co-founder of the New House Foundation Nadezhda Kudravets appeared, which, according to the court, is registered even in the same apartment with Avdolyan. Moreover, Globalone leases premises from another offshore company - Victory Trading Corpus Limited, the beneficial owner of which is A.A. Avdolyan.

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
But this offshore bundle is not all.
Ms. Belyanova also appeared in an ambiguous story about the transfer of 100 million rubles from the Bank's BBB, where Avdolyan's longtime acquaintance Dmitry Gordovich is among the shareholders, to the Latvian JSC Citadele Banka. At the same time, accounts for offshore firms, judging by the materials of the courts, were opened with the participation of the management of the representative office of Wooden Fish Agency Limited, that is, Irina Belyanova.
The history of transfers to a Latvian bank surfaced when the tax authorities brought the Bank to justice, collecting a tax of more than 20.1 million rubles and a penalty of more than 10 million rubles from a tax agent.
That is, systematically we see the name of Avdolyan in situations related to offshore companies and strange tax maneuvers.
Taking into account the connections of the creator of the fund and its president with offshore money boxes, there are quite justified fears, and will it not be necessary to search for billions of benefactors later on Kipram and the Cayman Islands? And is the fund's reporting so transparent?