Clouds continue to gather over the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova.
The arrest of the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Dolmatov may be the last straw in the cup of patience and the head of the department can be taken seriously: and here you will also find French real estate namesakes, entertaining garters in law enforcement agencies and warm relations with some supervised oligarchs.
The UtroNews correspondent understood how the clouds were gathering over the head of the official Radionova.
A few weeks ago, the ex-deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Dolmatov was sent under arrest. He was suspected of complicity in embezzlement from the budget of 370 million rubles, which were allocated for software for waste control. The investigation believes that it was he who prepared the necessary documentation, which justified the inflated costs of creating software and, in general, helped to win tenders to the right company.
Dolmatov is a person of high rank, but left the department before Radionova came to it, and the tenders were held a little earlier. But the results of this, let's say, "labor" are already used with the new boss, and contracts with the same person involved have already finished with her. Given the total volume of scandals that swept the department, it is surprising how Radionova has not yet come under the close attention of the competent authorities. After all, damn what is happening in her subordinate structure, while a lady, surprisingly similar to her, sunbathes on the warm beaches of resort France.
As a company that participated in the case, Dolmatov was called "Adik" and its owner Igor Teperin, who flew into the pre-trial detention center with a whistle a year ago. Dolmatov worked in the department since 2010 and was removed in December 2017, but if you look at the public procurement database, Teperin's firms continued to receive contracts from Rosprirodnadzor and its supervised subsidiaries even after Dolmatov's resignation.
So, Radionova came to the warm chair of the head in December 2018, Adikom LLC just at the same time completed several government contracts with controlled subsidiaries of the department, and, judging by the database, some updates on contracts took place already in 2020. Here, as they say, if not malicious intent, then at least negligent inattention is evident.

Also you know, somehow too often Mrs. Radionova narrows eyes, there where as it seems to us, they should be revealed more widely. To remember at least a story with large-scale oil spill in 2020 that occurred at the enterprise of Norilsk Nickel of Vladimir Potanin in Norilsk.
Then, as writes PASMI (it is recognized as the foreign agent in the territory of the Russian Federation), Mrs. Radionova allegedly arrived to the place of state of emergency by personal plane of Vladimir Potanin. That is long time remained onboard in private? And about what forgive to impartiality then can there be a speech?
Some time and holding of the oligarch passes again receives claims which are connected with discharge of heavy metals in reservoirs of the Arctic now. Floating around the Internet is the video of state of emergency published by journalists of one of editions. Though Radionova, it seems, and here got out.
In general and a penalty what was sued by Rosprirodnadzor from Potanin (about 150 billion rubles), raises questions at the public - and whether this money for real elimination of consequences will be enough or it is only a good mine at a bad game?
Criminal cases concerning Radionova's "team" also does not add professional "charm" to the head.
In a moneybox of such events it is possible to carry also a loop with which it came from Rostekhnadzor to the present duty station. Then under arrest there were several high-ranking officials: the head of the Northwestern Federal District Grigory Slabikov was accused of plunder of 5 billion rubles, the head of the North Caucasus Timofey Pang - of negligence, the head on the Lower Volga district Igor Isaev - of a bribe of 200 thousand rubles, but he managed "to make legs" from the investigation, and the deputy chief of management Dmitry Zavarzin was sentenced to 7 years for extortion at all.
Also Oleg Hromushkin, close to Radionova, was burned then on a bribe that, as well as it, controlled the sphere of oil and gas production.
Department at Radionova was replaced, and the surroundings that is called remained. So the former head of management of the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions Oleg Kruchinin in October, 2023 rang out in maximum security penal colony for 13 years and was fined 230 million rubles for long-term bribes from the "garbage" companies. Also he took them if to trust the investigation when Rosprirodnadzor Mrs. Radionova drove already.
Also in December, 2023 the head of the Southern Siberian management Andrei Frolov fell under investigation for complicity in waste. And there is a wish to ask - Mrs. Radionova what for devilry happens in your department?
Ah yes, forgive, us it is not heard from beaches of France.
Foreign jug of Radionov
If to watch the official declaration of the head of Rosprirodnadzor, then it strikes with the modesty: for 2021 all income was 6.5 million rubles and in use the apartment on 121.1 sq.m. Thus, Radionova kind of has no own real estate.

The can and is not present, and here full namesakes of parents have officials with the real estate everything in openwork. Certain Russians Gennady Radionov/Gennadii Radionov and Tatyana Smirnov/Tatiana Smirnova (in a marriage - Radionova) in the French register since 2017 are registered as owners of SCI MONE (authorized capital - 1 thousand euros). A lot of things coincide with Mrs. Radionova's parents - up to birth dates and birth places.

The firm owns the real estate in Cannes, namely the apartment in the Bay Side complex that is on the Azure coast, in the resort town of Juan les Pins, near Cannes and Nice. Such mansion is estimated at 504,000 euros.

Here only, Radionov' couple is not businessmen and if to judge by the USRLE, full the namesake of the head of family though owned legal persons in Russia, but they did not bring the income allowing to redeem similar apartments.

Moreover, at the same time, as SCI MONE, and to the same legal address was registered SCI CITY PARK. As her founders LUKIANOVA Liubov and certain Mrs. Oksana Gonchar at whom, according to a source of UtroNews, the registration address coincides with the registered address of a certain Muscovite Svetlana Gennadyevna Radionova acted. Here so coincidence!

Moreover, this firm bought the apartment everything in the same Bay Side complex. Though here just to be surprised there is nothing. According to a source of UtroNews, close relations with Grigory Gennadyevich Radionov - full can connect by the namesake of the brother of the official who worked many years (2003-2021) in bodies of prosecutor's office Oksana Gonchar, and since June, 2021 is the head of department of fight against cartels of FAS Russia. By the way, the lack of a stamp in the passport is also quite explainable - there is no official spouse and it is not necessary to report for her income and assets publicly. And that you never know, you never know who.

If we study open databases and registries, we will find in Russia a certain native of Izhevsk, born in 1990, Oksana Gonchar, who owned shares in four companies in Moscow and the Moscow Region: PKP Mir Sladosti LLC, PRO Vkus LLC, Vitakeyk LLC and Ionika LLC (liquidated). Gonchar also registered the status of an individual entrepreneur three times, starting in 2014, starting with the sale of products, ending with the services of insurance brokers. The total revenue of Gonchar's assets in 2022 was only 35 million rubles with a loss of 28 thousand rubles and the value of the shares itself is negative. That is, with such results, it is unlikely that you can buy apartments in Cannes for 0.5 billion euros.
Svetlana Radionova will be remembered by Cannes, is resignation inevitable?

Ms. Gonchar's possible father, Yuri Gonchar, by the way, appeared on the World Cup viewer card, and the contact e-mail was M.MAKAROVA @ GOSNADZOR.RU. Only Rostekhnadzor employees can have mail on this server, whose deputy head at that time was Svetlana Radionova. By the way, Mr. Gonchar could hardly sponsor the French purchase of his daughter, there was no business for him, except that he was not a particularly profitable individual entrepreneur in 1999-2012. And Grigory Radionov also cannot boast of a high official (!) Income - about 4.8 million rubles a year.
Judging by the boards of rental advertisements, in the Bay Side complex, housing is rented for the summer. Apparently, many owners use resort assets as an additional source of income, or even as a summer cottage. No wonder there is a video on the network in which a lady surprisingly similar to the official Radionova walks around Cannes. Just where her parents' namesakes have real estate.

Both French companies, the strings from which lead to the Radionov family, are quite operational to this day. The status of France as a country not friendly to Russia does not interfere either. And this, you know, raises questions for the head of Rosprirodnadzor.
Where the family of ordinary Russian pensioners got the money for foreign apartments, one can only guess. But riding on the personal planes of the oligarch Potanin in the light of such purchases is already starting to play with new colors. Some were removed from office for less, writing a ticket to places not so distant.