The proxies of the oligarch Albert Avdolyan took over the assets of the Hydrometallurgical Plant for nothing, which then went to the bottom?
From the company affiliated with the oligarch Albert Avdolyan, to whom he covered his interests in the Stavropol Territory, Almaz Capital LLC is demanded to return the alienated real estate, hinting at the lower price of the asset. In the case of the collapse of OJSC "Hydrometallurgical Plant" pulled a criminal case?
The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.
The editors of UtroNews did not have time to tell that the prosecutor of the Stavropol Territory through the court demands from Almaz Capital LLC a municipal plot of 57,420 square meters. m within the boundaries of the municipality of the Nezhinsky Village Council, as a company associated with Avdolyan, new claims were drawn.
On January 21, 2025, the Stavropol arbitration in the framework of the bankruptcy case of OJSC Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ) will consider applications for invalidating two agreements on the abandonment of property dated 14.05.2021 and purchase and sale agreements dated 14.05.2021 No. 1 and 2 signed by the debtor with Almaz Capital LLC.
In the case, they demand to apply the consequences of the invalidity of transactions and recover from the LLC almost 149 million rubles of the market value of the alienated real estate.
The applicant believes that the principle of the unity of fate of the sold site and the capital facilities located on it was violated, as well as that this property was alienated at a reduced price in favor of an affiliate.
An attempt to challenge these documents had already been made earlier, but the manager lost the dispute and only one of the instances sent the case for review, which should take place in January.

Recall that until 2018, the owners of GMZ and related companies, including the heat supplier for the city of Lermontov - the Southern Energy Company (YUEK), were Sergey Makhov and Sergey Chuck. Taking a loan from Sberbank, allegedly for the modernization of production, they dragged the enterprises to the bottom of the debt hole. As a result, the money did not reach its destination. In 2018, the shares themselves leaked the data of the gentlemen for a pittance to the proxies of Albert Avdolyan. At the same time, Sberbank ceded to another group of proxies of the oligarch the right to claim debt under a loan agreement.
As a result, a group of persons whose traces lead to one beneficiary (more than once proven by the courts) became both controlling persons and the main creditors of enterprises. At the same time, debts for the time being were not claimed, but raised them only after, as part of the bankruptcy procedure of Makhov and Chuck, transactions for the sale of shares at a reduced price were challenged by the financial manager and returned to the bankruptcy estate. And in fact, the leadership of the same GMZ remained for quite a long time controlled by Avdolyan's squires.
During the management of the plant, over 9 billion rubles were withdrawn from it according to an ambiguous scheme to the accounts of a certain Cashmir Capital LLC, also associated with the oligarch. Today, the scheme is understood in a separate trial and its legality is decided.
Having lost shares, the proxies of a billionaire close to the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, tried to roll out debt claims by proposing a settlement agreement, according to which YUEK took on a billion-dollar debt and pledged to pay it. But the court pointed out a violation of the signing of this document: the general director did not have the right to endorse such transactions without the consent of the board of directors, and after appealing the sale transactions, it was not viable, and again, no one canceled the affiliation. That is, his director waved the debt, but the court saw through this scheme and blocked it?
As part of the bankruptcy cases of YUEK, GMZ and Makhov with Chuck, other dubious transactions began to surface, as a result of which enterprises lost their liquid assets. The deals with which we began our story are just one of many. But while the courts are running, the defendants began to hide their ends in the water and try to blur their affiliation with Avdolyan.
Judge for yourself.
According to the results of 2023, Almaz Capital LLC showed a loss of 108 million rubles and has a negative value of 419 million rubles, that is, even the claim will be satisfied, then there is nothing to collect these 149 million rubles from. Apparently, the LLC does not have any liquid assets to pay off such debts.

Moreover, bankruptcy claims have already been filed against the company. So, in September 2023, tax authorities tried to start insolvency proceedings against the company for debts, but the case was dropped. And in April 2024, the Social Insurance Fund was forced to collect debts through the courts, and penny debts. All this hints that at any time the company will merge into bankruptcy, and this will not allow collecting debts from it promptly. The maximum will be included in the register of creditors and it will take years to wait for payment, but there is nothing to pay with. Debts, losses. Comfortable, don't you think? The company was used as a gasket, and the assets of the GZM seem to have migrated further.
The fact that the LLC will not return any debts voluntarily is also hinted at by the enforcement proceedings of 2023, according to which YUEK tried to shake 39 million rubles from Almaz Capital LLC.

As for affiliation, traces have been cleaned up here too.
In February 2024, two participating firms of Stavropol history affiliated with Avdolyan, including Almaz Capital LLC, merged a certain Daria Kusheva.
The lady has no other assets, she received the TIN in St. Petersburg and, at first glance, is not connected with the oligarch. But, knowing Avdolyan's love to cover his interests with screens and proxies, doubts arise that the assets have been sold to a completely stranger.
In this case, we are talking either about the discharge of a toxic legal entity, from which 149 million are demanded, or about a banal attempt to blur the affiliation of the party and enter the register of creditors of GMZ and YUEK.
Before Kusheva, the company belonged to Alexei Bykov. This is a business partner of Andrey Korobov, general director of Avdolyanovsky YATEK and a native of the Rostec division (according to Andayana Group).

By the way, it was Mr. Korobov who appeared in one of the transactions for the alienation of shares of the Stavropol enterprise for a pittance.
It is also worth recalling that Rostec, where Korobov came from, is a longtime partner of the Avdolyan division, and Chemezov himself and his wife Ekaterina Ignatova were members of the board of trustees of the New House Foundation, created by the oligarch.
Bykov is also a director and co-owner of Aenp (now called LLC TsIPE named after N.A. Popov), which was owned by an offshore company affiliated with Avdolyan - SPARKEL CITY INVEST LTD. These companies appeared in attempts to enter the register of creditors of the MRSEN energy holding, which looked like an attempt to help Avdolyan's relative, Eldar Osmanov, save some of the former assets.

Osmanov himself is a defendant in a criminal case in which a criminal group from among the former tops and beneficiaries of MRSEN withdrew over 10 billion rubles from the Russian Federation. The money was withdrawn under the guise of various financial schemes using affiliated and controlled banks. Osmanov himself made legs from Russia and is on the wanted list. Rumor has it that he needs to be looked for in the same place where the namesakes of the Avdolyan family are seen, namely in London.
By the way, Bykov was previously the owner of AENP, and then the asset went to Alexander Amosov (also a friend of Avdolyan), but on December 2, 2024, Bykov was again transferred a stake in the former AENP. Some interesting castles.
Apparently, Amosov chose not to glow next to the controversial company anymore. After all, he is actively buying up the assets of foreign firms that have left the Russian Federation. And, perhaps, he does it in the interests of a well-known person.
The affiliation of Almaz Capital LLC to Avdolyan has been proven by the court more than once.

In general, Stavropol history has long smacked, if not a criminal case, then at least a check by the competent authorities. Only dubious schemes for the withdrawal of money and liquid assets for a couple of volumes will be typed. But, apparently, Avdolyan is covered by the wide back of General Chemezov, otherwise how to explain such unsinkability?