The editorial office again received a letter stating that the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District "covers" Moscow nightclubs.
As it became known to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, bad things are happening in the night establishment Inferno Night on Skladochnaya Street, 1c13. This became clear from a letter to the editorial office from residents of the residential complex "Sheremetyevsky" and the residential complex "Savelovsky City." Residents scribble letters to the police, including in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District of the capital, call police squads, but nothing changes... The owners of the club continue to arrange loud night soares with the participation of representatives of the LGBT movement, which is recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The Moscow Post journalists reported the same thing back in June last year, 2023, when the journalistic investigation "Generals of night butterflies of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Kolokoltsev" was published: it was about how the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District (at that time), General Stroganov and his henchmen "cover" nightclubs. After the publication of the journalistic investigation, General Stroganov fell into a rage. And began a legal battle with journalists! But you can't hide the corruption "awl" in the bag: General Stroganov was eventually removed from his post, and the "roof" - as we see remained, it "dances" again!
Music is heard even on the 30th floor
Both General Stroganov, who so ingloriously retired, and Colonel Gafurov, who took Stroganov's place in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District, are cadres of Interior Minister Kolokoltsev...
They say that the candidacy for the place of the general - corrupt Stroganov, who tarnished the honor of the uniform, was selected for a very long time.
Colonel Ramil Gafurov is a special specialist, for a long time he worked in senior positions in the criminal investigation department of the Moscow region.

Colonel Ramil Gafurov. Photo:
But why are there again numerous complaints about poor police performance, in particular, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District?
Readers write that in the nightclub Inferno Night there are regular parties with drag queens, and the music is cut in such a way that you can hear on the 30th floor.

This is how they have fun in the Inferno Night nightclub. Photo sent by the author of the letter to the editorial office
"There is debauchery on Folding Street: noisy parties are constantly rolled up, and from Thursday to Sunday they go on a complete break: they dance, drink until six in the morning. Men dressed as women gallop on stage. Admission to the establishment is free... "
As it turned out, our readers constantly write statements to the police. And police officers even come to calls. But the doors allegedly do not open them...
What about free entry to the club?
Or is the nightclub owner being warned about visits?
As readers write further in their appeal to the Editorial Office, the owner of the club is a certain Sergei Tsarev, the owner of Bogi LLC.
Earlier, Tsarev participated in candid shows at the Three Monkeys club, which residents of the capital also repeatedly complained about.
On the website of the nightclub - among other things - they offer apartments for an hour: and, despite the law banning LGBT propaganda (the movement is recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation), lecherous parties on Skladochnaya Street continue.
The other day, the audience was entertained by the notorious artist Zaza Napoli, whose performances also raise many questions from law enforcement agencies.
"Roof" on Petrovka, 38?
Let us remind you what we wrote about earlier: the North-Eastern District of Moscow confidently holds the lead in the number of offers from priestesses of love. According to our reader, who serves in the department of General Kolokoltsev, all this happens with the consent of the Internal Security Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. And this "business" in the North-Eastern District under General Stroganov bloomed especially magnificent.
The Moscow Post spoke about Mr. Stroganov's "exploits" in several journalistic investigations. But especially loud was the investigation "Police in Stroganov: Police General uses the civil service as his fiefdom." This investigation told about the business projects of Konstantin Stroganov at previous duty stations, in particular, in the Sverdlovsk region.
And there was such a signal to the editorial office: "Under the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District, General Sergei Skubak, if brothels were identified, then only in Maryina Roshcha and Ostankino. And today the Internet is replete with dozens of proposals from all, without exception, 17 districts of the North-Eastern District. General Skubak removed the chiefs of the police department for identifying at least two such "points," under General Stroganov - everything flourished? "
It is clear that Major General Stroganov, indeed, used the civil service as his patrimony, and covered General Stroganov - as our source claimed, another general was the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow (Petrovka, 38) Oleg Baranov.

Lieutenant General Oleg Baranov. Photo:
As our source in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow believed, perhaps the reason for the inaction and protection of the "business" of night entertainment establishments and the fact that under General Stroganov, the places of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the district were occupied mainly by the "Varangians." These are people who worked side by side with Stroganov at their previous duty stations, in particular in Yekaterinburg, where then Colonel Stroganov headed the local OBOP. And he became famous for his "exploits"!
Journalists, having conducted an investigation, made the following conclusion: General Stroganov put the statements of the victims "under the cloth," and The Moscow Post told about the "lazy" methods of work of General Stroganov in the journalistic investigation "I am on Earth, the police are on Mars."
On Petrovka, 38 should have been interested in the "peculiar" methods of work of Konstantin Stroganov not at the end of 2023, when the general was pointed to the door, but much earlier!

Konstantin Stroganov. Photo:
Meanwhile, social activists noted even then a sharp increase in administrative cases in Moscow under the article on prostitution. And, as statistics showed, the number of cases under the article on prostitution increased from 17 to 1000.
According to the portal of justices of the peace, in November 2022, the courts received 983 protocols under Article 6.11 of the Administrative Code "Prostitution." For comparison, in October 2022 there were 17 such cases. Perhaps excessive vigilance of law enforcement officers is associated with annual reports? In November, 30 times more protocols were drawn up on administrative cases of prostitution. In December, another 407 protocols appeared in the database. But the news feeds were silent about how the fight against prostitution was going in the Northeastern district of the capital. Why were they silent? Because they worked as a "roof," because Konstantin Stroganov was still sitting in his comfortable chair.
I would like to hope that Colonel Gafurov will take into account all the "mistakes" of his predecessor, General Stroganov, and in the near future will react to everything that happens in the Inferno Night nightclub: why are the employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern District not engaged in their direct duties?