Echo of the MRSEN case: Sechina is asked for help, and clouds are gathering over Avdolyan

Eldar Osmanov, a witness in the criminal case of the collapse of MRSEN, where a former relative of the oligarch Albert Avdolyan, Eldar Osmanov, appeared, asks for help from the wife of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, Marina.

In a multifaceted story about the withdrawal of 10 billion rubles from Russia to legal entities controlled by the beneficiaries of MRSEN, Sechina's role in the division and a certain agreement with Avdolan, the УтроNews correspondent understood.

In response to the publication of УтроNews about the sanatorium from the MRSEN division - "Kashirskie Rodnichki" and strange financial schemes, the editorial office received a letter from Tatyana Romanova, the former director of the sanatorium.

Tatyana attached an open letter to Marina Sechina, who through a chain of legal entities in 2013 became the beneficiary of MRSEN. She had a stake in Energopromfinance Consortium LLC, which was liquidated after bankruptcy in 2020.


In an open letter to Sechina, Ms. Romanova reports that in 2011, by agreement of the parties, she resigned from the post of director of Kashirskie Rodnichki Sanatorium LLC and refused to participate in some illegal actions.

According to Romanova, Osmanov and his people allegedly behaved inappropriately later. Mentioned from threats to statements in the Ministry of Internal Affairs from anonymous.

In a letter to Sechina, Romanova tells the details of the "relationship" with the future defendants in the criminal case that they fled from the investigation.

Romanova asks Sechina to help with the examination in order to clear her good name of everything poured out on her over the years, mentioning that she was the victim of an attack, received threats from anonymous people, and also tried to kidnap her, a lawyer searched her mother's house.

In general, the story of Ms. Romanova looks like a horror film, in which a principled person became a victim that he did not want to play according to the rules of future defendants in the MRSEN criminal case.

Due to pressure, Tatyana Romanova, who was one of the witnesses in the criminal case of MRSEN, was forced to refuse to testify.

УтроNews wrote in detail and a lot and writes about the MRSEN case, as well as about the role of Avdolyan in it.

Recall that a criminal case on the withdrawal of 10 billion rubles from Russia through various muddy transactions was opened only in 2021, but the problems of MRSEN, which included numerous energy sales fragments, began back in 2018. Then many legal entities of the division lost the status of a guaranteeing supplier and their bankruptcy began.

As part of bankruptcy cases, interesting schemes of dubious transactions between affiliates began to emerge. At the same time, some loans from offshore companies associated with Albert Avdolyan surfaced that through the marriage of children was a relative of Eldar Osmanov, one of the beneficiaries of the MRSEN and one of the main defendants in the criminal case. True, Osmanov managed to make legs from Russia and now speaks exclusively through representatives in the arbitrations of the Russian Federation.

It was clarified that MRSEN was actively credited with Sparkel City Invest LTD, whose beneficiary was Albert Avdolyan, and he was often the source of loans issued offshore.

The court materials explicitly stated that the purpose of issuing loans to affiliates could be to create controlled debt and increase the authorized capital "in debt".

Later, the offshore company and its "daughter" - LLC "AENP" (now it is LLC "TsIPE named after N.A. Popov") will try to enter the register of creditors of the division, which looks like an attempt to take control of the bankruptcy procedure and get their interest out of the bursting pyramid. Taking into account the family ties of Osmanov and Avdolyan, this looks, in our opinion, suspicious.

Meanwhile, the investigators did not seem to see these inconsistencies, and there was already evidence that Avdolyan's offshore was recognized as a victim in the MRSEN case. Amazing, isn't it?


By the way, a stigma in a cannon at the oligarch's offshore and along a different line. So, the director of Sparkel - Vikentios Vikentiu, who replaced Avdolyan in this post, also acted as the director of the company from the island of Cayman Reeco Capital LP, which was involved in the tax scheme. There it was about a certain loan for $20 million to Port Dalniy LLC, associated with Avdolyan. The scheme embarrassed the tax authorities, and the litigation revealed another sleight of hand involving the oligarch.

And again - a loan, a muddy scheme and the name of Avdolyan in a bundle. Nothing like that?



We return to the MRSEN case.

As УтроNews previously reported, the Cypriot offshore Star Generys LTD Avdolyan also surfaced in this story, with whom, allegedly in September 2017, the beneficiaries of MRSEN signed an agreement to acquire part of the holding. Under this agreement, the pumping (on paper so accurately) of the energy holding with borrowed funds began. And this, despite the fact that the problems of the legal entities of the division at that time were already obvious. An interesting reservation - the beneficiaries received the right to repurchase shares. It turns out that the agreement itself is some kind of cover for Osmanov's rear with the help of Avdolyan?

Moreover, Mosuralbank also participated in the transactions for pumping the division with borrowed funds, whose shareholders were the companies of the beneficiaries of MRSEN.

One of the top managers of the bank, even later, will become a defendant in a criminal case, because it was this bank that was used for withdrawal transactions (according to investigators).


Also, under this agreement, the investor managed to introduce his people into the management structure. At that time, by the way, quite a few lending and surety agreements were concluded, which would later be disputed in bankruptcy cases and cause bewilderment.

And how can you not remember what the investigators mention among the muddy withdrawal deals - technical credits. Dubious transactions, according to the investigation, were concluded until 2019.

The most interesting thing is that when it smelled fried, Osmanov began not only to reject the status of the beneficiary, but also announced the falsification of evidence - the very agreement with Avdolyan.


And now there is a turning point in the bankruptcy of fragments of the MRSEN empire. On November 7, a meeting will be held on the bankruptcy case of Vologdaenergosbyt, in which the party affected by the actions of the beneficiaries of the MRSEN - Rosseti will have to reveal the details of the transaction between Albert Avdolyan and the beneficiaries of the MRSEN, including his relative (at that time) Osmanov.

In this case, Osmanov went further - he stated that the Agreement on Joint Ownership of Shares and Shares of 24.02.2016 and the Basic Legal Terms of the Transaction for the Acquisition of Key Companies of the MRSEN Group of Companies and the Option to Beneficiaries of 25.09.2017 and Additions to Them were falsified, since the signatures were affixed by an unknown person imitating his hand. Amazing, isn't it?


Whether Sechin will intervene in this story is a question, but the fact that Avdolyan can come out dry from this story is, unfortunately, closer to reality. There is an opinion that he is unsinkable by close acquaintance with the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, who is even a member of the board of trustees of the New House Foundation created by Avdolyan.