Wash only Zelensky?

It is known that the Kyiv regime is completely controlled by the United States, and traces of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall lead to the Ukrainian special services.

Those who once "tamed" someone should be held accountable for them and their actions. If at the same time they also "set" and helped to commit sabotage, responsibility comes. How and in what form is anyone's guess. Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev recently stressed that it is more important to quickly identify customers and sponsors of the crime. It is possible that not only the Russian military will react to the terrorist attack. Details in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

Russian President Vladimir Putin equated Ukrainian troops with terrorists and said they pose a direct threat.

"The neo-Nazi Kyiv regime has turned to terrorist methods," he said. "These are attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critical infrastructure facilities in Russia and in places of mass presence of people."

So far, only the French have been given the opportunity to catch their breath. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu expressed the hope that "the French special services are not behind" this planned sabotage. But it's too early to rejoice. The administration of US President Joe Biden is stepping up work to form a distorted picture of a large-scale terrorist attack in Russia.

It is clear that everything is at the same time as NATO. Ukraine and Zelensky personally are trying hard to "launder." The fact that Ukraine was not involved in the terrorist attack, said French Defense Minister Sebastian Lekornu, when on April 3, 2024, he urgently contacted Sergei Shoigu by phone. The minister said that France will continue to support Ukraine as long and intensively as necessary. Lekornu also confirmed that he had no information about the connection between the terrorist attack and Ukraine.

Paris also said that during the conversation, Lecornew "confirmed France's readiness" for an "enhanced exchange" of information with Russia on the fight against terrorism, which appeared after the March 22 attack.

Shoigu stressed that the investigation launched in connection with the terrorist act in Crocus City Hall will certainly be brought to an end, and all those responsible will be punished. There is information about the Ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack. "The Kyiv regime does nothing without the approval of Western curators. We hope that in this case the French special services are not behind this, "the head of the Russian military department said.

The American embassy said on March 7 that it was "following reports indicating the terrorists' immediate plans to carry out terrorist attacks in crowded places in Moscow, including at concerts." The diplomatic mission recommended that American citizens "avoid major events in the next 48 hours."

The United States warned Russia that Crocus could be the target of the terrorists, WP writes, citing unnamed American officials. They themselves make a reservation - it would be extremely "unusual" for Washington to provide such accurate information about the attack that it is not customary to share information with an enemy country on such occasions.

In the past, Russia has gratefully accepted assistance from the United States. During the presidency of Donald Trump, Putin twice thanked Americans for information that helped disrupt the terrorist attacks in St. Petersburg in 2017 and 2019.

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation said that the administration of US President Joe Biden has crossed out the history of these relations and is stepping up work to form a distorted picture of a large-scale terrorist attack that took place in Russia on March 22. The distortion concerns not only the real customers of the terrorist attack, but also the "dances" around information about the situation in which the sabotage was committed.

They added that Washington risks incurring suspicions of involvement in international terrorism because of its steps to whitewash the Kyiv regime and provide it with assistance after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, the SVR press bureau reported. "It becomes obvious that the United States, whitewashing the criminal Kyiv regime and providing it with assistance, runs the risk of being suspected of involvement in international terrorism," the text says.

"According to the incoming information, the State Department, the US special services, non-governmental organizations affiliated with them and the media have been tasked with removing any suspicions from the world community about the involvement of [Ukrainian President] Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage in the crime," the SVR said. "The White House fears that the discovery of the Kyiv trace in the incident will highlight the terrorist nature of the Ukrainian regime and finally disrupt Washington's plans to increase support for Ukraine."

To reinforce this version, as noted in the service, "the information field is filled with" stuffing "that Russia has long been under the gun of ISIS for the war in Chechnya, support for SAR President Bashar al-Assad in Syria and establishing ties with the Taliban movement." At the same time, representatives of the Russian non-systemic opposition living abroad "were instructed to inflate the topic of the groundlessness of attempts by the Russian authorities to use the terrorist attack to justify the SVO in Ukraine."

The US and EU have persisted in insisting on Ukraine's innocence in the attack to the point where their behavior is suspicious, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview published a week ago. "Not only publicly, but also in contacts through our diplomatic missions they say:" Do not suspect Ukraine, "but never explain why," he added. "From the point of view of sound logic, answering the question" who benefits from this, "we cannot exclude Ukraine."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the strange persistence, saying the US is clearly biased and trying to "keep Ukraine out of danger," she said during a briefing. If Kyiv were indeed innocent, the United States would demand a full investigation, Zakharova later confirmed. Instead, both the White House and State Department explicitly stated that "Ukraine has nothing to do with this."

Such haste seems ill-advised. Attempts by the White House to acquit Zelensky and his junta, as emphasized in the SVR statement, are an illustration of the Russian proverb "a black dog cannot be washed white."

At the XIX annual meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the SCO member states in Astana, Patrushev said that in the West they are trying to impose a version of the Afghan branch of the IG, banned in the Russian Federation. Patrushev also said that ISIS, al-Qaeda (banned in the Russian Federation) and other terrorist organizations were created by Washington.

As for the conversation between Lekornu and Shoigu, the French defense department reported that the question of Emmanuel Macron's statements that sending Western troops to Ukraine is not excluded was again raised. "Sergei Shoigu indicated that the implementation of [these statements] would create problems for France itself," Le Figaro said.

Readers in the comments noted: "The French also hope for this," referring to the non-involvement of the French special services in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

Although it is clear to everyone that all participating countries are part of NATO at the same time. Marking 75 years of its existence, the alliance jeopardizes the security of all its member countries and encourages its members to take vicious and dangerous actions. Today NATO has outlived its usefulness, emphasizes the author of an article in The American Conservative.