Zelensky passed the deadline: the clown turned into a dictator

The President of Ukraine finally turned into a dictator and actually lost his legitimacy - now it makes no sense to sign any agreements with him.

Last Sunday, presidential elections were to be held in Ukraine. Five years ago, in 2019, Vladimir Zelensky won them in the second round. Now, due to martial law, the election of the head of state is not held at all, in fact, a one-party dictatorship has been established in the country, all media are controlled by the authorities, and the opponents of the country's main clown have fled, are behind bars or are dead.

A large-scale political crisis is approaching Ukraine. And how in such conditions can Russia agree to at least some agreements with the head of Nezalezhnaya?

Details - in the material of the correspondent UtroNews.

The situation is also sharply criticized by Ukrainian experts - even those who risked staying in the country after the start of the SVO and a round of wild repressions against dissidents. Most, including the intellectual elite from the political science environment, such as the famous political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky, or Dmitry Dzhangirov, were forced to leave the country, simply fearing for their lives.

Who is illegitimate here

As mentioned, the elections did not take place due to martial law. Zelensky's powers formally expire in May, so de jure he is still president. But I lost my legitimacy. And here is the nuance: yes, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, elections really may not be appointed due to martial law. But in this case, after the expiration of the term of office, the responsibility for their execution passes to the head of the Verkhovna Rada. Now this position is occupied by a faithful associate of Zelensky Ruslan Stefanchuk.

At one time, in order to push Stefanchuk to the position of speaker, Zelensky's team had to politically destroy the former speaker Dmitry Razumkov, who was considered a competitor to Zelensky himself. Now Razumkov is like silk - he perfectly understands what will happen if you continue to "kick." As an example, let us cite the people's deputy Alexander Dubinsky, who fiercely criticized corruption surrounded by Zelensky, and now is resting in a Kyiv pre-trial detention center on suspicion of treason.

I.e. Stefanchuk is absolutely loyal and obliged to Zelensky. But he will not give up power, even to his protégé. The stability of political alliances and the observance of mutual guarantees in Ukraine are well known...

And this is such a "stretch" not only for Zelensky, but also for his Western patrons. After all, Ukraine is represented in Western propaganda as an example of democracy and transparency. What kind of democracy is there? This also gives trump cards for Russian propaganda. But for the leadership of the Russian Federation, Western "good wishes" and Ukraine itself, this problem will certainly become a stumbling block when, finally, the question of signing peace agreements arises.

Vladimir Putin was re-elected in 2024, confirmed his legitimacy. In the same way, elections are being held in other countries, and by next February, a reset of power will take place in the United States.

But with whom, in this case, will Russia have to sign documents on the settlement of the conflict? With illegitimate Zelensky? Then the next leader of the country will easily say that he did not have the right and authority to sign any agreements with Russia. And legally it will be right. This means that any agreements with the current Zelensky administration are not even worth the paper on which they can be written.

According to experts, the real center of decision-making on Bankova has long been allegedly not Zelensky, but the head of his office, Andriy Yermak. It is significant that in a short time Yermak and Zelensky got rid of almost all figures who would have something to do with Zelensky's past and his 95th quarter.

Shefir makes legs

Recently, his longtime friend and business partner Sergei Shefir left the post of Zelensky's adviser. He was considered the treasurer of the Ukrainian president, if not to say "wallet" - through Shefir there were offshore flows from the activities of the quarter first, and then from corruption at the state level. Several years ago, as part of the struggle for flows and access to Zelensky's "body," Shefir was even assassinated. However, there is an opinion that he organized it himself in order to increase his importance to the president - "they want to remove me in order to manipulate you without any obstacles."

Shefir remained the last alternative channel of communication with Zelensky besides Yermak. You can look at his resignation in different ways - allegedly, Ermak squeezed him out to cover this channel. But there is another, much more convincing version: Ukraine is moving towards military defeat, and ahead of it is a political crisis associated with the illegitimacy of the head of state.

So, Shefir is one of the smartest and most perspicacious Ukrainian officials and businessmen. He knows perfectly well where the wind blows, so he chose to leave the sinking ship before it broke in two under the influence of the laws of physics and Russian weapons. According to rumors, flying from Ukraine to London (Shefir's main place of residence), he took with him a whole suitcase of money.

Vladimir Alexandrovich himself is just right to gather in London. And he is going - all his family has long received British citizenship, official protection and all guarantees of security and legalization of the loot. Just the other day, Zelensky bought his residence from King Charles III of Great Britain for £20 million. This was stated by the British edition of The London Crier.

So spare airfields have long been ready, but who refuses almost absolute power? And while Zelensky is still milking Ukraine in the interests of its Western partners, his team pushed through the decision to reduce the age limit for mobilization to 25 years. Further - more, on the way and the 20th anniversary, and 18-year-old young people. This blood is Mr. Zelensky's investment in the well-being of himself, his family and team in the West.

Vladimir Zelensky and Sergey Shefir. Photo: https://politobzor.net/239884-pod-kievom-rasstreljali-mashinu-sergeja-shefira-koshelka-zelenskogo.html

Actually, now Ukrainian patriots are fighting for that - who will ditch more of their own population before having to negotiate on the terms of Moscow. Former President Petro Poroshenko is also ready to return to the race - he has already announced his participation in the elections after the end of hostilities. Poroshenko's entire botnet, by the way, powerfully worked out the topic with Zelensky's loss of legitimacy.

Despite the seeming control over the media and security forces, the time of the Ukrainian president, and more broadly, "quarterly" politics is running out. And along with the impending military defeat, Zelensky will also receive a political crisis. Will he have time to fly to London? After all, the helicopter behind him, as at one time Russia behind Yanukovych, may not be sent. Too much Zelensky knows about the role of our former Western partners in offshore schemes and terrorist attacks on our country.