Artyukhin technologies: your Gens for the Treasury

As the Federal Treasury distributes government contracts, what do the fugitive Ananyev brothers, billionaire Philip Gens and ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov, convicted of embezzlement, have to do with Open Technologies 98 by Sergey Kalin.

The favorite contractor of the Treasury was a company whose sole shareholder is a former civil servant whose full namesake appears in the criminal base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How this could happen was sorted out by the correspondent of UtroNews.

The Treasury has an Operations Assurance Centre (RCB) under its control. Among his tasks is the organization of public procurement, but, of course, they are prepared not without the participation of the parent organization. From the latter, IT contracts are controlled by the deputy head of Roman Artyukhin - Alexander Albychev, as well as the head of the information infrastructure department Igor Kalchenko and his deputy - Dmitry Volkov.

More than 53 thousand government contracts totaling over 170.45 billion rubles have already passed through the RCB as a customer. Among those who turned out to be favored by the Central Development Center, there are two interconnected companies - Open Technologies 98 JSC (11 contracts for 3.7 billion rubles) and Integrated Services Group LLC - 3 for 1.8 billion rubles.


Interestingly, these companies began to receive contracts from the RCB just after Albychev and Volkov took their positions.

According to a UtroNews source, such luck could have been facilitated by Volkov's acquaintance with Open Technologies 98 employee Sergei Gershman.

According to open data, Gershman holds the position of strategic customer manager, although back in 2006 he was listed as deputy general director for finance.

Volkov came to the civil service from business. He was a co-owner of DS-Telecom LLC from the production of information processing equipment (liquidated in 2006). It was probably through business that Volkov met Gershman.

According to reports, Volkov also worked for WestCall LTD, which in 2020 went to VimpelCom. She inherited in the biography of WestCall and ER-Telecom Holding oligarch Andrei Kuzyaev (ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, former vice president of Lukoil).

Here is another interesting coincidence. If you believe Gershman's page on social networks, then, in addition to Open Technologies 98, he also worked at Jet Infosystems CJSC. This is another major player in the IT market, which shovels government contracts, including from the RCB (two - for 706 million rubles).


At the end of 2023, the shareholder of Jet Infosystems was Pinakl CJSC, whose ultimate beneficiaries are Vladimir Eliseev and Oleg Molodykh. That Eliseev, that Molodykh were previously related to ZAO Morion from the division of the same Mr. Kuzyaev. Young, by the way, there are among Gershman's friends in social networks.


Also among Gershman's friends was noted ex-employee of Russlavbank and Kreditimpex Bank Andrei Ivanov, who worked in another large IT division - AT Consulting. Then it was owned by Sergei Shilov, who in 2017 became a defendant in the criminal case of Andrei Nechaev, the ex-head of the departmental NGO Spetstekhnika i Svyaz under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It was about abuse of office in the creation of the ISOD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Gershman and Alexey Sypunov, a top manager of Rostelecom, appeared among his friends.

So, Mr. Gershman is a very interesting person. And he has connections with everyone, and the track record is impressive.

Schematosis for your own?

According to the source of UtroNews, it is through Gershman that cooperation with the RCB takes place. If we pay attention to the government contracts received by Open Technologies 98 from the RCB, we will see an interesting feature. The requirements seem to be written specifically for them.

If at the auction some other company still manages to bypass the favorite, then the terms of cooperation for him can become very tough, and the contract can be terminated, later transferring everything to the same "Open Technologies." So, for example, it was in 2022, when the RCB bought monoblocks. The contract with the winner - Migalka LLC - was eventually terminated, and the tender itself was announced again, while creating more favorable conditions (at the same purchase price, the number of equipment was reduced). Open Technologies 98 JSC became the winner of the second tender in the amount of almost 0.6 billion rubles.

Or, in 2023, the RCB canceled a tender for 673 million rubles for the supply of goods to create a Unified Treasury Cloud Infrastructure. Rumor has it that in order to finalize the documentation. But in fact, potential participants had uncomfortable questions about the purchase. The authors questioned whether this documentation limits the potential number of participants. An attempt to play along with your favorite failed?

As we have already noted, Integrated Services Group LLC, which has nothing to do with Open Technologies 98, also receives its share from budget millions. Only when the LLC was still a ZAO, these legal entities were registered at the same address and their founder was the same. Also, communication is confirmed by courts in which both firms are co-defendants. According to the source of the editorial office, the same employees work for both companies.

It is noteworthy: among the partners of "Open Technologies" there are very ambiguous characters. Among them are the owner of the Lanit Group of Companies Philip Gens, who appeared in the criminal case of ex-Deputy Minister Tikhonov, and the equally scandalous Technoserv AS LLC, among whose owners were the founders of Promsvyazbank Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev - now defendants in the criminal case of multi-billion dollar embezzlement. Among the business partners, E4 Group OJSC was also noted, whose owner was previously ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov, who was later sentenced to 12 years for embezzling 4 billion rubles as part of a criminal community.

Former official Kalin

The beneficiary of Open Technologies 98 JSC is Sergey Kalin, who was also a co-founder of Integrated Services Group CJSC, Open Technologies Group CJSC, Open Technologies JSC and Multisystem LLC. Kalin's business partner in the latter was, among others, Oleg Krupenko, an ex-employee of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, ex-head of the IT laboratory of the Defense Ministry division.


No less remarkable is Kalin's subordinate on "Open Technologies" Mikhail Rybak. This is a former security official. Now he provides security for the Kalina division.

But perhaps the most remarkable fact in Kalin's biography was the period of his civil service. In 2005-2009, he headed the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FSUE, which became JSC).

Before taking a high post, Kalin worked at the same institute (from 1979 to 1994) in the development group of the Elbrus-2 supercomputer.

At the time of his bureaucracy, the founder of Open Technologies transferred the shares to trust management to General Director Oleg Gizatullin.

After Kalin was fired from the post of director, amazing facts surfaced that, perhaps, would be of interest to Sledkom.

It turns out that in 2005-2008, Open Technologies 98 and the Institute concluded 18 contracts for the creation of software by the Institute and paid more than 120 million rubles as an advance payment. And already in 2008-2009, some agreements were concluded on the termination of these agreements, allegedly due to non-fulfillment of obligations.

Open Technologies demanded to return advances with interest of almost 21 million rubles, and later ceded the right to claim to a third party.


At the same time, the new leadership of the Institute tried to appeal the termination agreements and cessions of rights, indicating that they were concluded under the influence of deception. But due to missing the statute of limitations, they lost cases.

It is interesting that the termination agreement on the part of the Institute was signed by the deputy director - a certain Ryzhov N.V.


And here's a coincidence. Today Nikolai Vladimirovich Ryzhov is Kalin's deputy at AO, and he quit the institute with his boss.

So the question arises, what kind of muddy scheme did the defendants at the Institute turn, was it not an attempt to drive the state institution into debt? Indeed, in his interviews, Kalin has repeatedly advocated the privatization of the institute, saying that he needs an investor.

By the way, Kalin's full namesake, according to the source, in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Crime" is marked "negative." Is this mark connected with the affairs of the person involved in the Institute?

By the way, the full namesakes of Treasury employees Igor Kalchenko and Alexander Albychev have similar marks.

Recall that Mr. Albychev came to the Treasury after working in the team of the then Tyumen governor Vladimir Yakushev, who was later the head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, and today - the plenipotentiary of the Ural Federal District.

Albychev was the head of the IT department of the Tyumen region, and the largest contractors in the region at that time were the already familiar Technoserv Ananyevs and Lanit Gensa. An amusing coincidence, isn't it?

For the post of deputy head of the Treasury in 2017, Albychev was proposed by the Ministry of Finance, headed by Anton Siluanov.

As for the native of Novosibirsk Kalchenko, then, according to the source of UtroNews, he may be a relative of the ex-director of the Novosibirsk branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" Vladimir Kalchenko.

Among his relatives, a certain Nadezhda Gaponova was also noted that she had previously headed a department in the Moscow Treasury Department. Perhaps relatives added Igor Kalchenko to the warm chair?

As for Open Technologies 98 JSC, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation already had complaints about it.


As follows from the materials of the 2022 audit, the RCB had questions about the initial price of the contracts. In the same report, JSC was also mentioned as a counterparty that significantly overestimated the cost of equipment under a state contract and the cost of rights to licensed software.


Before our eyes, a picture of a rather successful "cooperation" unfolded. As if the head of the Treasury, Roman Artyukhin and his subordinates, did not have to go the way of Tikhonov's comrades...