Shuvalov and emptiness: what does Igor Ivanovich "sing" about?

Is Igor Shuvalov trying to dust people's eyes at a time when corruption bacchanalia continues around VEB, and a failure in the implementation of social projects provokes social tension in the regions?

According to UtroNews correspondent, at the SPIEF session "Big Projects for Man," VEB.RF head Igor Shuvalov burst into a series of statements striking in their isolation from reality. It looked like an attempt to manipulate public opinion against the backdrop of corruption scandals and high-profile failures in the work of the state corporation.

Igor Ivanovich's work could cause great harm to the budget and social sphere of the country. Now he's blowing dust in people's eyes trying to convince them of his good faith?

First of all, Mr. Shuvalov said that thanks to VEB, more than 450 projects worth trillions of rubles are already being implemented in the country's economy. Among others, he named the construction of schools and the renewal of transport. Schools are now the hottest topic - just recently, a close associate of Shuvalov, the former deputy head of VEB Capital, Otto Sopronenko, was detained in Novosibirsk.

Instead of new schools - study in three shifts

Sopronenko was the co-founder or sole owner of dozens of concession companies created on the basis of the ProSchool project - a joint venture of VEB, Sberbank and Prosveshchenie Group of Companies. In 2020, when VEB received 25% in Enlightenment, the idea arose to use the capital of both banks to finance concession agreements for the construction of schools.

However, it soon became clear that Prosveshchenie Group of Companies, and VEB, is directly related only to a few concession companies created on the basis of this project. And the rest is managed by Mr. Sopronenko through SB Capital. At the same time, the company's shares in a number of such colon companies were pledged to Sberbank, which helped with financing.

As a result of the "active" work of Sopronenko under the likely supervision of Shuvalov, Novosibirsk could be left without several educational institutions.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, quote: "A criminal case has been opened in Novosibirsk against the concessionaire, through whose fault, according to the investigation, the construction of six schools for 5.7 thousand students was disrupted. Educational institutions were supposed to start working back in 2023, but so far none of the schools have been built. The estimated damage to the state is 3.1 billion rubles. The head of the concessionaire company LLC "Fifth Concession Company" Enlightenment "Otto Sopronenko was detained immediately after the meeting in the regional prosecutor's office."

At the same time, as reported by the online edition of RBC dated December 20, 2023, quote: "The concession agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region and the Fifth Concession Company Prosveshchenie LLC (today - School for Nikolai Sotnikov LLC) was concluded in December 2021 within the framework of the national project" Education. " According to the terms of the agreement, six schools will be designed for 5.7 thousand places. "

As further reported by the online edition of RBC dated December 20, 2023, quote:... "the customer for the construction of schools on Sportivnaya, Viktor Shevelev, Nikolai Sotnikov, Tatyana Snezhina, Bolshoi and Proletarskaya streets is LLC Thirty-fifth concession company Prosveshchenie, contractor - LLC SK Capital Volga Region.

Perhaps the above-mentioned planned educational facilities on Sportivnaya, Viktor Shevelev, Nikolai Sotnikov, Tatyana Snezhina, Bolshaya and Proletarskaya streets are the schools whose construction became the subject of a concession agreement with Otto Sopronenko's Fifth Concession Company Prosveshchenie LLC.

At the same time, in the material of the Kommersant publication of 15.15.2024, which refers to the criminal case against Otto Sopronenko and mentions six schools in Novosibirsk, the name of the institutions and their location in the city are not specified. Therefore, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about whether we are talking about schools on the street. Sportivnaya, Viktor Shevelev, Nikolai Sotnikov, Tatyana Snezhina, Bolshaya and Proletarskaya, or some others.

The half-countries in an anticipation what interesting Otto Sopronenko will tell investigators about Igor Shuvalov? Photo: Roman Yarovitsyn / Businessman

On PIEF Shuvalov broadcasts: several rubles private are always the share of each ruble which puts the state through VEB. There would be no ruble state, there would be no this private money. That is it is multiplicative effect, it, certainly, is important".

Reasonable question: what difference how many the private trader puts in the project if the budgetary billions leave just in anywhere? And at the same time - with a zero result for people. Unless it is not similar to swindle?

Instead of transport and housing and public utilities – "fuss" with oligarchs

Other spheres of attention of VEB are concessions on transport and housing and public utilities. Spheres extremely korruptsioyemky - probably, it also attracts Igor Ivanovich. Let's remind, not so long ago on suspicion of bribes under criminal case the CEO of LLC Gruppa Movista Alexander Sovetnikov - the "transport" concessionaire (already former) of the Yaroslavl region got. Its monasteries haunt Shuvalov?

Today VEB cooperates on concessions on transport, for example, in Lipetsk where it "helps" with updating of the tram park. And in parallel invests money in extremely doubtful projects like the Russian startup of LLC ZETTA (founded by Denis Shchurovsky and Valdemar Wagner) who allegedly develops the domestic electric vehicle.

What in it domestic - resolutely is not clear. But it is already clear that the money invested by VEB could just disappear. A few days ago it became known that VEB filed a lawsuit against "ZETTA" with the requirement to return nearly 37 million rubles. When began to understand, it turned out that the volume of execution of works on creation of the car does not exceed 47% of design. Even a half is not made!

Moreover, following the results of this "work" the criminal case about embezzlement of budget funds is brought. In total allocated over 280 million rubles for the project (and it is obvious not without assistance of VEB), including subsidies of Minpromtorg.

How here not to remember the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov fleeing the country with his "Yo-mobile" for which could spend hundreds of million budgetary funds? It seems that this "case" inspired Shuvalov. Perhaps and it how Prokhorov, "will sail away" to Israel soon?

Concerning housing and public utilities - not less "surprising" situation. In a pursuit of monetary projects of shuvalovskiya of VEB "confuses the issue" in several regions at once. In 2022 the fight of state corporation for participation in the concession agreement on management of a water utility of Yekaterinburg could lead to large scandal.

Against the background of discussions to whom to give concession, on Vodokanal the State Office of Public Prosecutor unexpectedly appeared suddenly. By results its checks brought two criminal cases at once.

According to evil tongues, allegedly it could turn out to be consequence of fight of VEB for concession against other large structures among which there is Victor Vekselberg's Renova. Allegedly Shuvalov could "set" prosecutor's office to incline Kuyvashev and Orlov's team to give the project to structure close to VEB.

But if on Vodokanal Shuvalov and Vekselberg "are cut", then in other direction - concession in the sphere of management of airport infrastructure, they very "are on friendly terms" - just recently the Airports of Regions company which main beneficiary still call Vekselberg became interested in support of VEB.

Only in what here the state interest? And here private is clear. An annual turnover of the same Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Yekaterinburg - 10-11 billion rubles. Is what to fight for.

Shuvalov's "purse" is full of budgetary "garbage"

One more probable direction of works of Shuvalov - garbage business which is left for other oligarch Sergei Kotlyarenko, related to the official. The speech about the Citymatik company, a regoperator on in a number of regions of the country. The fact that Kotlyarenko "holds" assets of family of Shuvalov - an open secret.

Not secret and the fact that in 2023 Citymatik signed the next credit agreement with PPK "REO", "Gazprombank" and "VEB" on granting 11.3 billion rubles. And where here State Office of Public Prosecutor? Really does not see the expected conflict of interests of mister Shuvalov and works of mister Kotlyarenko?

But this isn't enough: to give borrowed money Citymatika there is nothing. And in the near future money if only VEB not to fork up again, can not be. A loss following the results of 2023 - 1.2 billion rubles, the cost of assets minus 304 million rubles. And it at government contracts - 1.2 billion as the supplier and 14.4 billion as the customer.

It seems that Citymatik risks to repeat the fate of "Ecology Novosibirsk" of the HUNG group which actions could lead to garbage collapse in Novosibirsk, and he "safely" went bankrupt.

Sergey Kotlyarenko manages to "hold" Shuvalov's assets and receive billions from the budget? Photo:

Is this exactly the path of "development" yesterday and today at SPIEF PR Mr. Shuvalov? Or maybe it's all not about development, but about stuffing the pockets of people close to Shuvalov, so that after leaving the post of head of the state corporation to ensure a comfortable life in retirement?

Collecting for old age

Of course, not in Russia. Earlier, Shuvalov himself announced that his family had foreign real estate. For example, about an estate in Austria, which others call a "castle." It was in 2012 - at the same time he explained with a blue eye that all his foreign assets were transferred to Russian jurisdiction. Who will believe him?

Now such a statement would have the effect of an exploding bomb. Mr. Shuvalov may have real estate not only in Austria, but also in France, a NATO country. And other Western countries. And this is at a time when our country is fighting on the SWO, imposed by "draconian" sanctions.

Imagine this during the Great Patriotic War. Something suggests that the labor and life path of Mr. Shuvalov in those conditions would be much more prosaic than in today's Russia.

In the meantime, Shuvalov talks his teeth to investors at the SPIEF, talk continues about his imminent resignation. According to the network, allegedly this issue is solved by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, who yesterday also attended the session "Big Projects for Man." And Shuvalov's associates, sensing the possible resignation of the boss, seem to be busy knocking out increased bonuses for their pseudo-efficiency during their work at VEB.

Does Igor Shuvalov think he caught God by the beard? Photo:

You can talk about the works of Mr. Shuvalov for a long time. What is only one sale of VEB's "non-core" assets worth billions of rubles, which you can then look for in the "bins" of the same Sergei Kotlyarenko. But in connection with his outpourings at SPIEF and the above facts, I would like to ask - so what kind of person is this for whom an official through VEB implements such significant undertakings? And this person is quite specific - Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov himself.